Military CAr shipping in Houston, Tx
What service members need to know about shipping their personal vehicle to a new assignment? With gratitude for their service and a prayer for their safety, we explain how our military personnel can ship their vehicle to a new post.
Automobile Transporters

Car Transportation Services
Professional auto transporters generally offer a menu of methods for getting your vehicle to your next assignment.
Open Hauler
An open auto transporter looks like the trucks used to deliver cars to a dealership. With an exposed carrier, the transporter can move several vehicles at a time, making this shipping option the most affordable.
Enclosed Trailers
Choosing to ship your conveyance by the enclosed trailer is the more expensive trailering option. For the extra money, a vehicle receives full protection from road debris and the elements and will reach the new base sooner.
Special Note: What some automobile haulers call enclosed transport is a covered car on an exposed trailer. When opting for boxed auto shipping be sure the carrier uses an actual enclosed trailer.
Drive-Away Service
Drive-away automobile transport does not involve a truck and trailer. The transport provider sends a carefully screened professional driver who drives the car to your next post. You take possession of the vehicle sooner with drive-away service, but the extra miles put on the vehicle decreases the automobile’s value.
Getting An Auto Transport Quote
Carriers and some consumer websites offer an auto transport quote calculator. Automobile transporters prorate their per mile charge. As an example, the average cost for trailering a vehicle 500-miles is $1.00 per mile vs. $.40 per mile for a 3,000-mile run. In addition to mileage, other determiners affect an auto shipping estimate.
- Vehicle size
- Vehicle type
- Transport type
Shipping a vehicle costs more between Thanksgiving and New Years and during the summer and autumn.
Ask About A Car Shipping Military Discount
Look for an auto carrier that offers armed services members reduced shipping rates. If there is no mention of a military discount on the transporter’s website, ask for a special rate; you’ve earned it.
Look For The Cheapest Car Shipping Company
When shopping for an auto carrier, get quotes from several transporters to get the lowest price.
Shipping a Car To A Foreign Deployment
Shipping Cars Overseas If You’re In The Military
The government will cover the expense of having a single personally owned vehicle (POV) transported to a new post. A service person’s authorization to have a POV shipped overseas must be attached to their Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders.
The VPC Military Depot
A Vehicle Processing Center (VPC) is the delivery point for incoming POVs. The VPC is also the departure point for outgoing personal vehicles. The service member has to provide the VPC with the following documents.
- PCS orders with ammendments
- SETAF (Southern European Task Force) registration
- If necessary a storage authorization letter
- Documentation of recalls on the vehicle
A copy of an active Power of Attorney is necessary if a service member’s surrogate is to take delivery of the POV.
Vehicle Requirements
For acceptance by a VPC, the car or truck must be driveable. The POV cannot have any leaks, cracked, or broken glass. The gas gauge needs to be operational and read no more than 1/4 full. The car’s battery and remote FOB should be functional. Deactivate all vehicle alarms.
POV Cleanliness Requirements
Thoroughly clean the POV to rid the vehicle of dirt, vegetation, and insects. The inner fenders, interior, trunk, and spare tire well have to be clean. Remove dirt and debris from the door jambs, storage compartments, engine bay, and radiator.
Uncle Sam covers the cost of shipping one POV to a new post. Make sure you have your Vehicle Processing Center paperwork in order. For acceptance by the VPC, a vehicle must be in good working order. If your car or truck is going overseas, cleanse the conveyance of vegetation and insects to avoid introducing a potentially invasive species into your host nation.
Local Car Shipping thanks you again for your service.